Every drop of RāKiwi Mānuka honey
is a gift from nature
Each day the sun traverses 10,000 miles across the South Pacific
breathing light on the pristine forests of New Zealand.
And when the sun rises each day to breathe warmth and light into the
mānuka forests, as the dawn chorus of birds begins and the bees
set quietly to work producing their honey.
There is something unique and powerful within mānuka honey,
a secret gift. It nourishes and heals. It regenerates and revitalises.
It gives life and energy.
Mānuka honey is a superfood renowned for its unique health and wellness properties. Our honey is hand-harvested
without harm to bees or their hives, and raw processed to preserve
those pure nutrients and bioactive compounds.
And what makes RāKiwi Mānuka honey special is that we believe in
giving that gift back to the earth. It is the whole reason we are here.
To turn history around by replanting and regrowing what has been lost.
We return a share of our profits to nature, investing in the regeneration
of our forests to build a more sustainable future for the planet.
At the dawn of time, bees brought us a secret gift.
It is only right that we give something back.
RāKiwi gifts 2% of revenue to support Toha, helping grow native
seedlings that will be planted on Māori land, increasing biodiversity.